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SAP Calculations

A SAP Calculation is The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) for energy ratings of dwellings. It is a Calculation of a buildings energy efficiency. A SAP rating is scored on a scale of 1 to 100, were 1 is the worst and 100 would indicate no cost for heating/ hot water.
At THERMAL ACOUSTIC SOLUTIONS Ltd we aim to achieve you a pass by:
Offering advice and recommendations
A Friendly experienced team
SAP Calculations complete within 7 days
Fast Track service in emergencies at no extra cost
Competitive prices.

Thermal Bridging Calculations

Under Part L of the Building Regulations, thermal bridging must be considered in Standard Assessment Procedures (SAP) and Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) calculations.

Thermal bridges can account for 20-30% of the heat loss in a typical new build home. As homes become better insulated thermal bridges become even more significant.

Thermal bridging results in heat loss through junctions in the building fabric. The junctions include wall-roof and wall-floor junctions, party walls, corners, cills, jambs, lintels, and any other significant junctions of the building fabric. Their effects are expressed as a linear thermal transmittance value. This is used to arrive at a Y-value: a factor, which allows calculation of the building’s overall heat loss through thermal bridges.

There are a number of accredited or calculated psi values which are available for use within a SAP Calculation from accredited bodies or insulation or building fabric manufacturers.

Accredited Construction Details and associated Psi values for a new build design are available from the Planning Portal web site.

Alternatively, you can have your Psi values calculated by a suitably qualified person in accordance with BR 497 and forward them to us for use in your calculations.

Part G - Water Calculations

• Building Regulations set out targets for the water efficiency of fittings and white goods in our homes. New dwellings in England and Wales must be designed to use no more than 125 litres of water per person, per day.
• In some areas, local authorities can ask for usage to be reduced to 105 Litres per person per day.
• The Water Efficiency Calculation looks at the flow rate of taps and showers, the flush size of toilets and the size of bath tubs. It also considers water used by dishwashers and washing machines, as well as taking into account rainwater harvesting systems.
• At Thermal & Acoustic Solutions Ltd, we will assess your plans and specification and produce Part G water calculations for your project to comply with current building regulations based on your proposed usage.